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Cut Jauhari , Master of Public Health Study Program Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
T. Maulana , Master of Public Health Study Program Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Nurjannah , Master of Public Health Study Program Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Said Usman , Master of Public Health Study Program Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Irwan Saputra , Master of Public Health Study Program Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia


World Health Organization(WHO) has released a reportabouttuberculosis (TB)on a global scale in 2021, including a report on the state of TB in Indonesia in the Global Tuberculosis Report 2022 document. Healing of tuberculosis patients is the most expected outcome in treating this disease. The process of achieving recovery for tuberculosis patients is influenced by various factors, both originating from the characteristics of the patient himself and the quality of the health services provided. Factors that can influence the recovery of tuberculosis patients include the type of bacteriology patient (BTA positive or negative), completeness of the treatment regimen undertaken, patient access and compliance with treatment, as well as the quality of monitoring and evaluation carried out by health workers. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the recovery of pulmonary TB patients in the P2P pulmonary TB program in Aceh Province.This research is a further analysis of secondary data from the SITB (Tuberculosis Information System) application. This type of research is descriptive analytic with a cross-sectional designquantitative approach. Data analysis was carried out through univariate and bivariate stages.There is no relationship between age group and gender with the recovery of pulmonary TB patients in the P2P-Pulmonary TB program at the district level in Aceh Province (p>0.05), there is a relationship between the type of diagnosis and the recovery of pulmonary TB patients in the P2P-Pulmonary TB program at the district level. districts in Aceh Province (p<0.05). The factor associated with the recovery of pulmonary TB patients in the P2P-Pulmonary TB program at the district level in Aceh Province is the type of diagnosis.


Healing of TB Patients, Gender, Diagnosis Type


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Cut Jauhari, T. Maulana, Nurjannah, Said Usman, & Irwan Saputra. (2024). FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE RECOVERY OF PULMONARY TB PATIENTS IN THE TUBERCULOSIS PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROGRAM (P2P-TB PULMONARY) IN ACEH PROVINCE. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Research, 5(06), 33–41.