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Karuthan Kamaludin , College Of Business Administration, International University Of Business Agriculture And Technology (Iubat), Uttara Model Town, Dhaka, Bangladesh


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on students in Bangladesh, affecting their socio-psychological well-being in numerous ways. This article aims to explore the extent of the impact of the pandemic on Bangladeshi students' mental health and social lives. Through a survey of 500 students and interviews with a sample of students, we found that the pandemic has led to increased stress, anxiety, and depression, and has disrupted students' social lives and daily routines. We also found that students have developed coping mechanisms to deal with these challenges. This article highlights the need for policymakers and educational institutions to provide support to students during the pandemic.


mental health, socio-psychological impact, pandemic


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Karuthan Kamaludin. (2023). THE SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON STUDENTS IN BANGLADESH. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Research, 4(02), 01–04.